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Our Team


Donald A. Wilson LLS, PLS, RPF - Instructor Emeritus


Don's company, Donald Wilson Consulting, LLC., is based in southeastern New Hampshire. He has been in practice as a land boundary consultant since 1974 and surveying since 1962. Don is both a licensed land surveyor and professional forester and has presented seminars on a variety of topics including description interpretation, boundary evidence, surveying law, and various aspects of forensic science.

In addition to over 200 technical publications in several disciplines, Don has been involved with writing more than 60 books. The latest editions of Evidence & Procedures for Boundary Location and its companion title, Boundary Control and Legal Principles, both of which he is a co-author, are the leading surveying textbooks. Two of his more recent publications, Interpreting Land Records and Forensic Procedures for Boundary & Title Investigation, are proving to be a favorite among attorneys, title examiners and surveyors. Another recent book, Easements Relating to Land Surveying and Title Examinations, will be a desk-top favorite for many. He has written six other boundary-related texts as well as researched and compiled the subject matter for seven state boundary and surveying law books. 


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Don is a former faculty member of the University of Maine where he taught surveying in the School of Forestry and the Department of Civil Engineering. He is also a former faculty member at the University of New Hampshire where he continues to teach courses for the UNH Professional Development & Training Program. He is a member of the Professional Surveyor/Red Vector “Dream Team” providing on-line education for surveyors and related professionals. Presently this cooperative is offering twelve separate courses authored by Don with more currently being developed.

Don is a member of and has been active in many surveying, mapping and forestry organizations. He is past president of both the Maine Society of Land Surveyors and the New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association.

In addition to the writing and lecturing about surveying, Don is the fourth generation of a family that owned and operated the sporting camps, Wilson's on Moosehead Lake, for over 109 years. He is a registered Maine Guide, avid fly fisherman and has maintained an interest in the sporting and resort history of Maine.



Kristopher M. Kline, P.L.S., G.S.I. - Instructor

Kris is President of 2Point, Inc., based in Alexander, North Carolina. He has a Bachelor of Science degree (class of '84) in general science from Bridgewater College in Bridgewater, Va. He has been involved in the surveying profession since graduation and was licensed in North Carolina in 1991.


In 2003, Kris began offering continuing education courses in North Carolina on legal aspects of retracement. More recently, his teaching career has expanded to include conferences and seminars for 35 states. Course offerings now include a broad range of topics, including prescription and other unwritten rights, riparian law, mineral rights, easements and courtroom preparation. Customized courses tailored to the jurisdiction in which they are presented enhance their value to the professional. Kris has presented several keynote addresses for state conventions and served on the Uniform Law Commission Study Committee for Adverse Possession.


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In 2011, he began publishing the column “Unmistakable Marks” in "Point of Beginning" magazine, a national trade journal for surveying professionals. Kris published more than 60 articles through 2020. He now writes for "xyHt" magazine and "Geospatial World."


In August 2013, Kris published his first book, “Rooted in Stone: the Development of Adverse Possession in 20 Eastern States and the District of Columbia.” This text considers adverse possession and prescriptive easements from their early origins to the present day. Separate chapters are dedicated to variations between jurisdictions in the eastern United States.


His second book, “Riparian Boundaries and Rights of Navigation,” includes extensive discussion of the many definitions of the term “navigable.” This short volume was completed in 2015 and focuses on property rights along smaller rivers, streams, lakes and estuaries. It considers the inevitable confusion that results when modern definitions are applied to early grants and the effects of subsequent legislation on riparian rights.


Kris’ third book was released in December 2016. “How to Fix a Boundary Line” chronicles variations in the legal mechanisms related to unwritten property rights across the United States. Topics include acquiescence, part performance of oral contracts, adverse possession, estoppel and the doctrine of merger.


His latest release, “Prescriptive Easements & Related Principles” focuses primarily on elements of prescriptive easement law and the effects of adverse use on existing easements. Private vs. public prescriptive ways, statutory vs. common law requirements, and standards for abandonment are included.



Robyn has over 25 years of experience as an office manager for surveying firms, beginning in that capacity in 1994. Robyn was a member of the NCSS Education Committee for several years and dealt with the challenges of providing quality continuing education for Land Surveyors.

Since April 2000, Robyn has been both field crew and office manager for 2Point, Inc. She has ‘real-world’ experience in more traditional aspects of surveying, including field search and instrument operation. Robyn also has acquired an extensive—if informal—education in property title issues, as she routinely reads and critiques Kris’ books and articles prior to their publication.


Robyn L. Kline,

Project Coordinator

Christine D. Wilson

In Memoriam

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Christine managed the program scheduling and the on-site registration for many years. She was a researcher and title examiner since 1977, specializing in commercial and complex residential title examinations. We lost Christine in June 2020. She was determined to pass on as much of her experience as possible to Kris and Robyn. We all miss her humor, strength of character and determination. 


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